Monday, June 6, 2011


Yesterday we celebrated both birthdays, Cedar and Janaes as they are only two days apart. Janae had requested an Australian dish, yes the indredients were in kilos and ml. so I did my best. It was a Shrimp, sausage and vermicelli dish. Charting unknown waters is not my best time but all in all I think it turned out ok. Made the mistake of telling Darin that the sausages were made from salmon, so of course, he would not try them.
We are enjoying the covered deck and one day I will be able to post pictures.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

chips, blankets and sippy cups

This last week I decided to have a "poor me" party. I was mad and angry at everyone which included my poor husband, my health, (namely my aging body) the weather, God and all else that I could think of to blame.
My memory and comprehension are getting worse and I have an appointment with the Dr. this next week to rule out the big A. also to find out, hopefully, why my legs and body ache. Isn't the big A. supposed to wait until the 80's not the 60's. I exercise and try to eat my fruits and veggies and keep the sugar at a low daily amount.
The foot dr. is ordering tests, that he and I both know will come back negative, instead of him admitting that he is stumped as to why my foot is still aching after many appointments, surgery, therapy and such.
Why is this happening to me? (no I don't want any comments to this, I do know the answer) Haven't I been good enough or was just God punishing me.
So I quit everything and stayed in my pj's and watched tv. A great addition to "poor me" parties.
Finally I had to go to the store so I actually had a shower and got dressed (there is still some pride left). I was talking to dear Janae, my d-i-l and she asked if I was in her part of the world and I said yes. She invited me to stop by and say hello.
Her daughter Flo, my granddaughter, is one of the sweetest children, totally without guile and love to give enough for the whole world. We visited for awhile and then I headed home. As I left there was Flo sitting in a big chair, sippy cup in hand, chips by her side, blanket wrapped around for comfort watching an Einstein video on the sounds animals make, and totally content with her world.
As I drove home I realized she had the best idea and I need to model my life after her example.
No pictures as I tried downloading a picture of Flo and after over 2hrs. and it still not there I said, oh well,  I'll ask those smarter than me what I need to do for the future, so here is the blog post anyway.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Several months ago I sent out a message to friends about the Jewish tradition of putting rocks on the headstones of loved ones. In essence it said. Stone on graves show the ultimate kindness and respect. It is to show we are never finished building a monument to the deceased. Here lies the remains of a person worth remembering. They suggest the continuing presence of love and memory which is as strong as a rock. God is known as the Rock of Israel so the rock is a reminder of the "Rock" (God) whose love is stronger than death.
I then asked people who loved and remembered Trudi to leave a rock at her headstone.
Here is what people left.
She is not with us physically but will be in our hearts forever.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Last fall our city of West Bountiful decided to slurry our road.

 What is slurry you ask? According th California Pavement Maintenance Co. it is a method of covering a road surface to enhance its appearance to make it more attractive and eye-appealing. It corrects distresses in older pavements such as surface cracking and will prevent further deterioration. It also offers skid resistance and improved handling characteristics for drivers.

 All I know is that it left the roadway in from of my house, we live in a cul-de-sac with 6 houses total, with black loose gravel.

 The pictures show what I have returned back to the city via the garbage cans over the last serveral months and need to do again soon.

 Where are my tax dollars going you ask?


Ever noticed how the inside of most homes of a certain age are built on the square, 90 degree angles that it. Yes, I am getting ansy to do something to the house. Mike has cringed and said it couldn't be done when I suggested my new idea.

I want to curve the entry way into my kitchen and the dining room.My life is too square. I need to add some softness and character. This applies, I realize, to both my personal life and the house.I have become set in my ways. I have a routine, and it seems, that if that is upset then I can't function for the rest of the day.

I like to be up by a certain time, around 6am. then prayers, scriptures, a little munch, and off to the gym.

I don't shower until the housework is done. It just doesn't seem right to get sweaty doing the vacumming after showering.

I seem to be in charge of the remote control which Mike has let me do. I really don 't always need to watch HGTV or some reality shows. Would it killme to let him watch a Western now and again, no. I do love to read so I could get out a book and do that. I can always find out what happened on the Biggest Loser next day.

So, as I plan to round myself out a bit, knock off some of the angles, I plan to do the same to the house and, hopefully, both will be more interesting to be around.Here are some of the pictures of my square house, but none of me I'm still in my pajamas.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

kitchen part 2

For those who read this and wonder where part 1 is, it is a facebook post yesterday.
Today after returning from the gym I decided to make my favorite muffins. They have whole wheat in them and I needed to grind some wheat. I soon found out that the grinder would not find on my new counter top. So I went looking for a place and as is always, necessity being the mother on invention here is what I found.
Yes, it is in the pantry.
I made my muffins and they are delicious.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


My thoughts are tender and many this morning. The thoughts that came to me last night and which occupy much of my thinking thus far today is of the incredible gift of choice which I, and all people have, thanks to the Savior. I was reminded of this as my thoughts were going to the events of two years ago. As I contemplated this I decided that I can choose to remember and then I can choose not to let those events define my day in a negative way. So I choose to remember with love, then choose not to remain in the negative, but to put the memories in the good memory bank and then be at peace.

Trudi has left me with so many examples that I am trying to follow. How could one not be better after being with her and her wonderful smile and giggle.

Her love of life, and all creatures large and small. Of boating, family vacations that, when it was her turn to choose, we went to places wild and wonderful, and not in Utah. Not that she didn't love this state but she wanted to see everywhere and experience all of God's creations.

Her desire for education and she insisting that when we played Uno we would give our scores in Hebrew. (never did master that one)

Her orange room, still is that way, couldn't change it.

Just one more, she would say when eating my homemade rolls.

Lucy, her name for her car, and nicknames she had for many people and things.

Her love of the scriptures and her understanding of Isaiah.

Love of family and friends.

Her hating pink, ruffles, and lace as a child and then as an adult loving that.

In memory of Troo-dums, Troo-de-licious, Trud-a-loo, Trudith and Trudi Marie.

We love you.